Best Autumn Foods for Your Teeth

With a change of seasons comes a new wave of foods and dishes, especially vegetables that tie in nicely with thoughts of Thanksgiving dinner.

According to experts, including the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the following foods have incredible oral (and overall!) health benefits. Many of these foods cleanse your teeth as you chew and defend your gums against damaging bacteria. All contribute to your bright smile and will help it stay in tip-top shape. They also provide necessary nutrients and minerals that strengthen teeth.

  • Vegetables:  Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Kale, Chard, Onions, Shiitake mushrooms
  • Fruit:  Kiwi, Lemon, Pineapple, Strawberries, Apples
  • Seasonings and more: Basil, Cheese, Ginger, Green tea, Quinoa, Salmon, Sea Salt, Sesame Seeds, Stevia (a natural sweetener), Wasabi and Yogurt

It’s best to stay away from processed foods, which usually contain a high sugar content. To help you avoid the processed snack trap, here are some ideas for healthy–and tasty–snacks using some of the teeth-and-gum-friendly foods above.

  • Granny Smith apples and Cheddar cheese slices
  • Raw pumpkin seeds and roasted almonds
  • Vanilla yogurt with a banana and a dash of cinnamon
  • Smoked Salmon slices with Wasabi and Sesame seeds
  • Carrots with paper thin slices of Ginger, sprinkled with Sea Salt

 We wish you a happy and healthy Autumn!

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